Finally, a restaurant that shuns being ‘Reserved’ and ‘Promises’ itself to me…
With dining space becoming hard to find in some of the better restaurants, many of us have made it a habit to reserve a table in advance. That’s nice I suppose. And the way Restaurant Managers lead you to the appointed table and quickly whisk away the ‘Reserved’ sign is a study in discretion. But the other day when I went along with a friend to Eat India Company for an absolutely wonderful meal, what took me by surprise was the little signboard that told me without any reservation that the table was indeed mine for the evening. The board said “Promised to” me. Now how quaint is that? How intimate, how charming. To me, a ‘Reserved’ board says…someone called, made a booking, and this table is for him. Or her. Or them. ‘Promised to (My Name)’ makes it look like there is a relationship between me and the restaurant. A relationship that’s sacred. And a commitment that has ensured that there is a table set aside exclusively for me. It is these little touches that make a particular restaurant a place you feel like going to again and again. I know for instance, that whenever I am in the mood for something subtle, whenever I have an open ended evening…I shall definitely look ‘Eat’wards to Eat India Company.