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How do you teach a colour to fade away gracefully?

yellowThe last couple of days, the beauty of Hyderabad that has a lot to do with the concerted efforts of Chandrababu Naidu in the past, has been marred by splashes of yellow.

Yellow banners. Yellow posters. Yellow hoardings. Yellow streamers. And so on. Strung up between trees. Pasted on walls. Essentially, the party has tried its best to give the public the feeling that Telugu Desam still has a presence, still has a voice.

But the almost callous manner in which the citizens of Hyderabad have ignored the yellow revolution proves beyond doubt that the party which was at one time seen as a viable and proud alternative to the Congress is in tatters, yellow of course.

No one’s giving the publicity material a second glance. In fact I saw in quite a few places traders and small businessmen quietly and discretely removing the tell tale signs of the yellow surge.

What a fall. How the mighty have been humbled. Worse, they have been forgotten. When Naidu goes today in his convoy his movement is seen as a major irritant.

Does he even deserve these perks? Who would want to kill him now? Questions like these dot the landscape of confusion.

In the history books that our grandchildren will study, perhaps there will be a chapter dedicated to the near decade of Telugu Desam rule and to its founder NTR and the usurper CBN. But beyond that they have reduced themselves to a reluctant footnote.

It is better now for the shades of yellow to fade. Sunset Boulevard is where they need to be headed. Because the faster they realise that they have been relegated to history, the better, the more graceful.

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