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Can you afford to say NO to a Real Education?

by - 10:58 AM

For years, for generations we have been complaining that the courses we take up as part of our education are mostly ‘useless’ in the real world scenarios that we are made to face with disastrous consequences.

So when someone I respect tremendously tells me that he is planning to offer an offline solution I am tempted to listen carefully. And what do I find?

The Hyderabad Institute of Liberal Arts.

20 Weeks of Liberal Arts (20WoLA) is a part-time, participative, intensive program of learning. It encourages learners to engage, discover, study and understand Literature, Philosophy, Economics, Geography, Mathematics, Computers, Arts and History.

You will learn to think critically and creatively, and become a life long learner.  You will become a well rounded adult, ready to engage with the world professionally, intellectually and initimately.

Liberal Arts allows exploration and understanding in a relaxed, intellectually stimulating way. Instead of remembering 'facts' and 'figures', it focuses on deep and comprehensive understanding of basics rather than attempting wide coverage.

You can get more details by looking up their Facebook page. You may also mail them at hydliberalarts@gmail.com.

To my young friends…we, people of my generation had an excuse for the mess that we walked into and the mess we left behind…one of the excuses was the wonky educational system that glorified ‘mugging’ and learning by heart things that we did not even try to understand. But your generation is blessed. Over and above all the wonderful resources that have been made available to you, there is also a conscious effort being made to open your minds.Take advantage of it, because remember you will have no one to blame but yourself if you miss this bus.

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