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Juvenile Rituals…The Rape Festival.

I have heard

of Russian rituals

where the father leads

his son from puberty

to maturity

by taking him to

a house of pleasure

and walking him through

the sexiation.

I am told

that similar rituals

are being practiced

in my own country

though I myself have not

been thus initiated.

But what is this

I hear

about a new ritual,

a new culture,

A new instigation

inspired by law.

Where one day before

the boy stops being a juvenile

he is asked to be

a man.

Indulging in crimes

for which he cannot

be punished.

In deviations from

social norms

that will give him

an afterglow for life.

So he rapes, plunders,

murders and loots

knowing full well that

he cannot be punished

In the eyes of the law.

And in the eyes

of society

and especially his peers

he emerges as the hero,

Macho and proud…

Strutting about

Flashing his manhood

as he makes urination

In public places

a mockery of modesty

and a display of insensitivity

that leaves blushes blushing.

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