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From class to mass…a change in spirit.


Just when you think nothing more is ever going to change, something happens…

People who you thought were pure ‘French’ suddenly transform into jolly ‘Germans’. Colours change. Lives change.

Pedhapally Kishan who successfully re-branded himself from Sula Kishan to Charosa Kishan, has now taken the biggest leap in his life.

From sophisticated drinking of wine to a friendlier act of guzzling beer, Kishan is poised to make the change. But the MAN himself remains unchanged, he assures me.


From time to time, we see people changing. Changing their professions, changing their lifestyles, changing their beliefs, But then we don’t pay too much attention to these changes.

But in the case of Pedhapally Kishan, we have no choice but to sit up and take note.

From the rich burgundy hues of wine, he is shifting to the golden glow of beer.

From the 4th of September, Kishan is all set to add fizz to our lives. Good bye to the days of the corkscrew, and hello to the world of cans, twist-caps and fizz-pops.


Is it because wine is a drink of the mind, while beer is truly, a drink of the heart?

Kishan is not saying anything. But you can make out that he is excited. Excited about reaching out to his friends in a whole new way. Excited about connecting with people on a different plane altogether. Excited with the thought of being part of many more lives.

And guess what?

I am sure (like many of us are) that the next stage of Kishan’s journey will be as fruitful as his last. As successful.

As full of challenges met. And as full of opportunities.

Because he so deserves it. Because he is such a loveable person. Because he is blessed.

So what do we call Kishan from now? Just wait till tomorrow to find out.


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