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The Birju Maharaj I never saw…from the best seat in the house!


After the front row pleasures of watching Mallika Sarabhai and her group enthral the audiences (all except one), I was looking forward to a close up view of the dancing legend, the Kathak Sensation Pandit Birju Maharaj.

But alas my plans were not to be. Just before I took my ‘reserved’ front row seat I got a call from the Event Manager who asked me to report to Saswati Di, the Pandit’s Lead Dancer backstage. Pronto.

So I reported for duty at the Green Room. And met the Maestro and his Disciple who asked me to be a part of their team for the evening and announce the various stages of the dance performance they had in store.

Now, could I say No?

Not me baba, as the Bengalis would say. I  definitely did not have nodding in the negative as an option. So without hesitating I sat down, understood the flow of events, found some blank paper to write some notes and then asked the Event Manager where I was supposed to be seated.

The problem was the light I required to read, and the table I needed to put my papers on. Finally a solution was found. Very close to the green room was a single tube light and luckily just next to it was a box. So a chair was found and I was fixed up. My bottle of water given. And everyone gave me a cheery thumbs up.

I went to the on-stage podium and made my announcements. And as I did that I realised that this was a bigger day than the previous one. The audience seemed to be everywhere. Even as I asked them all to sit down I could see that there was going to be a problem…there just weren’t any seats left.

Then I went backstage to my place and sat down. My cues were simple. An announcement when the artist/s were entering the stage. And an announcement when they were exiting.

Now came my first surprise. I could see from where I was sitting the artists entering and exiting alright…but that was all I could see. The part of the stage…centre stage…was hidden from my view. But it was too late to change position.

The program began and I realised that I was in an unique position. I who had met Birju Maharaj in person, spent a few minutes with him, exchanged pleasantries and even had a cup of tea with him…was now being denied the pleasure of watching the legend.

No. I don’t always get the best seats in the house Priyankaa Vir I thought to myself and settled down.

Of course the sound system in the auditorium was working well and I could hear the music without any problem. And I could hear the applause.

And that’s when the magic began.

The first round of applause was full. It was for Saswati Di, the lead disciple of the Maharaj. And for her invocation to Lord Krishna.

But no, it was not deafening.

Then the girls came on to stage with their rendition of the Royal Courts Dances. The applause was increasing in intensity. I got the feeling that there was something else I was hearing. But couldn’t quite put my finger on it.

Then he came on. The great Pandit Birju Maharaj. He stepped gently onto stage…but I heard a thump. He spoke softly…I heard a roar.

The audience applauded. I heard the crash of waves. I felt the vibe. It never was a trickle. It began with a gush. And just went on. Climbing beyond crescendo.

And it wasn’t just the sound. It was the feeling. Of a couple of thousand joyful souls getting mesmerised by the master magician.

He who rules with humility. He who controls with gestures. I saw that he was speaking to the audience with body, with mind, with footsteps, with elegant flicks of his hair…and the tsunamis of applause just crashed onto the backstage baffles…one after the other, and I was bathed in the energy of the moment.

And though I could not see the performers I got to see the performance.

I did get the best seat in the house after all.


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