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Branding Opportunities in Telangana.

by - 11:06 AM

One of the disadvantages of being the son of a nomadic Government Official who had been posted in all the corners of the country was that when we finally settled into our home state, it was with a cursory knowledge of the fabric of the various sub-societies that make up a civilization.

For example, only when they asked me in Bombay when I was working there, why I was not a Reddy or a Rao when I was ostensibly a Telugu fellow, did I realise that public perception was rather narrow. And only after Satyam Computers became famous did the world realise that the Rajus too were part of a Telugu canvas.

I found that it was too late for me to distinguish between East Godavari accents and West Godavari practices, Telangana Reddys (or should it be Reddies) and Nellore Reddys. Reddys who were converted Christians and those who were Reddy Doras.

It was while I was studying in Madras that I first came across the term Telungu…it’s a peculiarity of the Tamilian who can’t say Mohan but thinks he can when he says Mogan…he can’t or won’t say Telugu…for some obscure reason a little ‘N’ slips in between and he invariably refers to our language as the Telungu Language.

I had of course read up my history and knew the etymological connection between the Tri-Lingas (the three Shiva Idols), Telangana and the Telugu People.

Today as Telangana becomes the 29th State of Independent India, I feel humbled and wonder how I can contribute to it. I have already helped its cause by speaking for it in my capacity as a mature voice that delivers reason and rationale in a certain style. Also in a few debates I have tried to present a perspective. But the desire to do something more serious and more lasting is, if you’ll forgive my creative urges, to be expected at my age.

So what can I do? What am I equipped to do?

My domain is advertising, branding and digital media. Offering advisory services to corporate Telangana is too crass for my liking. I do not want to join the list of people who are converting the birth of a new state into a blatant business opportunity.

No. I want to do something different. A little more selfless. And I am glad to say that I think I finally have the idea. Coincidentally on the very day that Telangana was born…or shall I say Reborn.

As I told you, because of my childhood having been spent in other parts of the country, my knowledge of the Telugu system is a classic case of near ignorance.

It took me quite some time to realise that there was a caste system prevailing. That Kammas and Kaapus could be confrontational. That the Rajus and Chowdharies were of a different breed. And that Raos were from anywhere and that Gandhis and Boses were possibly from Vijayawada. Of course, to find that Stalin was a Telugu fellow like me was a bit of a surprise.

But the most complicated was the hierarchy that the Reddy community represented. I have over the years met several kinds of Reddy gentlemen who told me how they were ‘superior’ to the other fellows.

Oh…that guy is a Mud Reddy! Or he is a converted Christian Reddy. Or he is after all a Rayalaseema Reddy. And so on and so forth.

While this not so subtle distinction may be convenient for a few egos, I think Telangana offers a unique opportunity to the Reddy families of the new state. A chance to rebrand themselves. And distinguish them permanently from the others.

My suggestion is that all the Reddy people of Telangana state immediately decide to rechristen themselves as…

wait for it…

and here it comes…as…


Never before has the Reddy surname reflected such unity, such power, such uniqueness.

What are you?

I am a Telreddy.

Wow!!! I like the sound of that already.

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