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Why can’t Film Festivals be like Cricket Tournaments?

They say India is obsessed with films and cricket. The frenzy associated with these theoretically ‘leisure’ activities is to be seen to be believed. In both the passions, mere men are treated like Gods. And Hero Worship is more than a religion.

So I thought (Yes, I do that too…and quite often in fact) why not look at a situation where each learns from the other and improves life in general. That led to my invention of Cricket + Cinema = CRINEMA.


CRINEMA is the name of a game that I invented and is played between two teams. Each team consists of a Director (Captain), Producer (Wicket Keeper), Cameraman, Script Writer, Music Director, Hero, Heroine and four assistants from the departments of your choice – Lights, Make Up, Camera, Direction, Production, Crane & Trolley or Acting. You can even consider a twelfth man.

One team plays against the other. And the way the game is played is as follows:-

Teams meet 10.00 am on Monday Morning at a convenient place. Depending on the size of the audience they can meet at a conference room or at a stadium. The meeting is attended by representatives of the audience and by the three referees.

A common brief is given to both teams. The target is set. Delivery of a film by Friday 6.00 pm. The theme is announced. And the clock starts ticking.

After the films are delivered, the judges (referees) meet and start giving points (runs) to the teams…6s for outstanding examples of film craft, 4 for the just special, twos and singles for the neat niceties featured or captured. For every ‘fault’ committed the team loses a wicket. If in the exhibition of the film ten faults are spotted before the end, the team is declared ‘out’.

Rules like this can be worked out, improved, innovated etc.as we go on…but I think it makes sense. Cricket has lost its God and Films have too many duds floating around. Some emergency mouth to mouth resuscitation is called for…a kiss of life if I may.


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