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Baba, Bhajan, Bliss…


While I have never been a great devotee of Puttaparthi Sai Baba, my parents were staunch believers. And I think my mother’s life purpose was fulfilled, when thanks to my sister and her in-laws, Mom actually had a one-on-one darshan with her God.

When I was in hospital a couple of years ago, battling death so to speak, many of my family members and my friends assured me that Baba was with me. In fact I used to wake up many times at night in the hospital and find that a small packet of ‘Paramam Pavitram, Baba Viboodhi’ was always under my pillow…and I guess that the fact that I am alive today should make me convert to ‘Baba’ism.

But I have remained at the gate, looking in but hesitating to step in. Why? I do not know. From experiences shared by my Christian friends I surmise that perhaps I have not yet been ‘called’.

In the meanwhile however I have discovered that I love the bhajan sessions that a few of Baba’s devotees conduct. There is an amazing adherence to schedule. There is an amazing display of passion and devotion. There is an energy that reaches out and engulfs all around you with divinity. And the climax, the aartee…gives you the feeling that you have reached God’s doorstep.

There is no remarkable singing prowess…there is no great composition…just a series of chants that invigorate your entire being. And by the end of the exactly 60 minute experience you feel you have connected.

I had a similar experience recently at Babaji’s place. Maybe the discipline and the seamless transition from one chant to another was not there…but the devotion was identical, the ecstasy was the same. And the rough edges actually made the evening more inspired.

Strange how we find islands of serenity and treasure houses of love. Especially when we are not looking for them.

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