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The Two Sides of Digital Marketing

by - 12:39 PM

So you have a web site. And given the flavour of the times, it is e-commerce enabled. You got halfway decent designers to do their User Interface thing. Even got some not so inexpensive Content types to fill in the pages. And if you’re smart, or lucky, or both you make sure the site is Search Engine Optimised.

And you’re told that there’s nothing much else you can do but to let nature take over.

People who search for your kind of product will be directed to your site and will hopefully walk through the transaction.

Some people may check out your site because they saw some advertising of yours or maybe the word of mouth phenomenon kicked in.

In the meanwhile the clock is ticking and the site has yet to reach viable stability.

That’s when someone tells you that the window of success immediately after launch is just a few days. A few weeks at most. If critical mass is not gathered within the time, your site is likely to tank…or else, just about survive.

And relaunching is not an affordable option.

What if you had put word of mouth into action before the site launch. What if your site had a waiting audience? That would be nice, wouldn’t it?

Well it can be done.

Just as Digital Marketing is a brilliant option to reach out to thousands of net savvy customers, Digital Pre-Marketing is an exercise you cannot afford to ignore.

Digital Pre-Marketing is a combination of strategy and implementation that ensures:-

1.     An audience that is identified as being one open to your product or service.
2.     An audience that is primed about the kind of product and pricing you have, and visits your website with an open minded wallet.
3.     An audience that takes it upon itself to promote your site within their own communities of friends, colleagues and family.

Remember, a site that your friend tells you about is one that you’re more likely to visit than a site that you heard about on another platform.

In the technology driven world that we live in, we often get carried away and put all our eggs in the post launch promotional basket. But word of mouth cannot be triggered by key words alone, they need key sentiments and key incentives…which only pre-launch activities can ensure.

If you’re about to launch a product or a service and you want to ensure that your announcement gets a fitting welcome, talk to us.

We are the Pioneers in Product and Service Pre & Post Branding and have successfully steered a significant number of clients from chaos and confusion to clarity.

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