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How do men think without their brains?

A young lady I am extremely fond of and hugely respect, recently insinuated that men essentially think from their groin and rarely if ever exercise their brain.

While on expressing surprise, the lady did admonish me and told me to take things ‘light’, I still feel a wee bit affronted.

I find it hard to imagine that the world is full of men who walk around with the sole purpose of mentally stripping women in their quest for sexual gratification. And I think many men stare at women in their finery only with the connoisseurs’ eye and appreciate the raw beauty of her form and face and also her fashion sense.

Not for a moment am I denying that nudity has its own appeal and not for a second do I propagate the theory that only well built men and women can carry off their nudity aesthetically. But at a generalisation that all men are ‘pricks’ I do balk.

Similarly I am sure most of my sane women friends decide on their point of view without staring at the naughty bulge in our pants.

That said and done, I do laugh at jokes that talk of men pointing in particular directions without using their hands and women nodding their acceptance by simply shaking their…But that’s in jest. In a more sober world I still feel that brains have to be respected and groins protected.

And women should dress for themselves, their friends and for the randomness of mankind (not randyness mind you) and men…well they will be men, and dress carelessly and imagine that it is in their casualness that they will find their uber chic.

So finally, how do we men think…

The groin is out. It went out of fashion with the Neanderthal. The brain is suspect since it is always involved in an extra brainular affair between its right side and left. That leaves very little space to accommodate the thinking function.

The only zone that seems to be free to take up the challenge is the stomach. Think about it…when we are deep in thought, don’t we rub our bellies? When we feel a hunger for the company of the opposite sex doesn’t our stomach gurgle? It does, don’t it?

So that’s the new image of the really brainy guy…no longer is it a large forehead facilitated by a receding hairline but it is the size of the belly. The size of the overhang. And so on.

The ancient Hindus must have known this…or else why did they indulge in ‘Pait ka Pooja’…

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