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Sunday is a good day to delude myself…

by - 11:20 AM

Sundays you’ll agree, are special. Even if the week has been a lazy cruise, the dawn of a Sunday sparks off the desire to do something different, something unique.

There was a time when Sundays meant going to Sarovar Hotel for Dosas. Another time when Sundays were Telugu Morning shows (this was when we were in Calcutta). In my teens I have too many Sunday morning escapades involving long motor cycle rides and long hair flying into my mouth to talk about.

And the nice thing is that my whole family has taken up the Sunday banner in their own special ways. If one member thinks Sunday is Beer Garden time, the other prefers to laze in bed and wake up late to a cook made masala omlette. Today however I thought I’d do something which I had never done before.

When you are as old as I am, and have been blessed with an incredible variety in life, thinking up of something unique to do is difficult. But I was determined.

After a lot of thinking, lateral and otherwise, I came up with an idea. I was going to spend this Sunday morning doing nothing but deluding myself.

And delude myself I would in a style that could not be repeated. Even if it meant my delusions made me seem a bit more insane.

A lot of ideas crossed my mind. But you have to admit that simple delusions like thinking I was good looking…or thin…or hirsute… were too easy and also implausible to conceive. Finally, only a walk back into memory land provided a solution.

In the movie business, you are as good as your last hit. And memories are legendarily short. It was to the award winning legends in this domain that I addressed my flight of fancy, this Sunday’s edition.

How many of you, I asked them…have had the privilege of having a theatre constructed to screen your debut film?

Naturally the resounding answer was NONE !

So I pulled up a picture from my archives…


And thought back to a few years ago when a movie I scripted, directed and produced for the Government of Andhra Pradesh had a special theatre constructed for its daily exhibition.

The theatre is in Lumbini Park and is called the Laserium. And the movie that I am talking about has been playing there for more than 6 years…perhaps a Guiness Book recognition is in the pipeline.

It is the longest standing hit ever produced in Hyderabad and no Raghavendra Rao, no Raja Mouli can ever hope to replicate, let alone challenge my record.

So what if hardly anyone knows that my contribution to the film is more than just my voice…so what if the dazzling display of lasers steals the show…it’s my movie that holds the show together and it will always be a memorable production I was involved with.

So I delude myself today, that I am a successful movie maker…that I have audiences eating out of my hand (so what if it’s only popcorn)…and that mine will be an unrecognised legacy that I hand over to the kids and their kids…

and the wife calls out ‘Coffee’ and my reverie is broken with the delicious reality of home made Mocha, courtesy of my friend Bhaskar who waved his magic Dubai wand…and made my Sundays Special.

Wow!!! A theatre built exclusively for my film…sounds fancy eh?

Now ssssshhhhhh…allow me a Sunday delusion…and yes, you are welcome to indulge in yoursSmile

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