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Hear ye! Hear ye! The Advertising Fraternity is being neglected…nay, INSULTED. It’s time to wake up and make demands…

by - 11:08 PM

Hail my fellow Advertising Professionals. There is a lot of injustice being meted out to us. And we who are aware of almost every dimension of the world have been proved to be massively ignorant of our own rights and privileges. Let us take urgent steps to right the wrongs. Let us take from society and the country what is legitimately due to us. Let us…

first understand what I am raving and ranting about.

Well it actually started a few months ago when I spotted a news item that complained that the family of the gentleman who designed the national flag that Gandhiji eventually approved was feeling affronted at the fact that they were being ignored. No financial assistance was being given to them. Not even a VIP status had been conferred onto them. And so on.

But today was the limit. The family of the creator of the World Telugu Conference logo was protesting the fact that the artist was being ignored. And demanded that amends be made.

The man who designed the national flag, (which as you know is as blatant a copy of some other flags as is possible) was given benefits like a freedom fighters’ pension, free railway passes lifelong and so on. Now the World Telugu Conference (pity that it is not the World Telugu Federation, then WTF would have been appropriate) is expected to recognise the logo designer and remember him for posterity.

Some of us have been involved in the creation of logos and brand identities that are (forgive me for saying so) more popular than the Indian Flag and definitely more visible and memorable than the Telugu Conference logo.

So isn’t it but natural that we ask for more than just our fees? Yes, I hear the guy who designed the State Bank of India logo…he wants a loan from the bank, interest free. And the chap who with his Art Director friend designed the Andhra Bank logo wants nothing but a credit card without limits (oh okay that was me). The chap who designed the Puttaparthi Sai Baba Trust emblem wants a share of the ‘prasad’ and the team that designed the Traffic Police ID wants exemption from traffic rules for the rest of his life.

As my worry that we have left too many things to assumption and fate and plan to introduce rules that demand that a company being incorporated should put aside some shares for its logo and brand identity creators on a preferential basis, I am also reminded about my pet grouse from my early days in advertising.

That was when people were going on incessantly about our brave soldiers who gave their lives for the country. How they deserved medals, perks, subsidies and what not. I have always believed that contrary to public opinion advertising is as dangerous a profession as the armed forces. And we of the community do more on a day to day basis for the people than the army ever can. Lets face it, in the 60 odd years after independence, the army has been seriously active just four or five times.

But us advertising types, we have been fighting every day. Fighting sleepless nights, stress, frustration and what not and falling prey to everything from diabetes to cancer to cardiac problems. Working tirelessly to give India a choice of what to buy…product or service.

And did we get any medals? Do we qualify for any pension? Health Benefits? No. We are actually looked down upon as a bunch of mavericks who are a burden to society and not by any stretch of imagination, role models for our future generations.

Well I think we’ve had enough. Now is the time we ask for our pound of flesh. No more Mr. Shy guy who has been locked out of the Goodies Room. No sir, we are aware and awakened.

Pay us for what we so selflessly do for you. And show us your gratitude for what our involvement gets you as benefits. Look after us, nurture us and reward us.

We don’t wear uniforms, we don’t look like heroes…but we are no less than an army. We are no less patriotic. And we are no less needy. Jai Hind.

There…even that is a slogan coined by an Advertising ProfessionalSmile

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